Sunshine and Roaring Pandas

Friday, April 23, 2010

Planting for Earth Day

It seems Earth Day works. I gardened today! I've been meaning to do this for months, but got lazy. My indoor garden is small but slowly growing. I started off with a jade tree almost 4 years ago. It’s a succulent so I figured I couldn’t kill it…I haven’t killed it but it hasn’t gotten much larger. I’ve recently added peppermint (thanks Alex!), some other succulent (this nice grandma lady gave me a couple clippings last summer), rosemary, chives, and cilantro. My cilantro and chives are not doing so well. Actually this is my second try on the cilantro, the last plant died completely.

I replanted all of the herbs into larger planters and planted seeds for several new veggies with Plato's helpful advice. (Well, he really just nosed around a lot and whined whenever he saw neighbors who didn't come to pet him.) In a couple of months, I hope to have tomatoes, onions, mustard greens, and Japanese eggplants. This is my first time trying to grow vegetables and I'm not really known for having a green thumb. Unfortunately gardening is outside my comfort zone. Getting the amount of sunlight, water, drainage, type of soil, fertilizers, etc. for each plant right is lots of work and usually overwhelms me. But, I'm trying to master the ability to feed myself.

Below is a picture of my pride and joy: rosemary. Rosemary must be really easy to grow because mine seems to thrive even when I forget about it. ;) If only cilantro was so easy.

I got something good and worthwhile done today...making it a sunny and happy Earth Day for me.