Sunshine and Roaring Pandas

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Lesson learned: Mobile is a beautiful city

I'm back in Tally and back to work on Monday. It's been a craaazzy May. I started off with good intentions with my May Day resolutions, then life happened. I was deployed for two weeks to Mobile, Alabama; joining a team of Floridians representing the state's interests in the Deepwater Horizon oil spill response. I worked with people from all over the states and even other countries and from many disciplines. I learned more about oil and oil cleanup than I hope I ever have to use again. It was a valuable work experience that made me appreciate the fundamentals of all hazards emergency management even more.

The Port of Mobile made for an enjoyable and interesting backdrop despite the unfortunate event that brought me to Alabama. Tugboats and barges drifted past the convention center where the command post was located, grounding me whenever I began to feel overwhelmed by the impact and significance of the oil spill. I loved the city or at least the little I got to see of it. Mobile reminded me of Richmond, Virginia with an industrial influence and the southern charm. The architecture downtown was a bit rundown but beautiful with balconies and small parks dotted throughout. I would love to go back to Mobile and explore it more on my own time.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


I am currently deployed to Mobile, Alabama in response to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. I am working long hours, which has prevented me from keeping my May resolution of blogging at least once a week. I will be back to blogging as soon as possible.

However, I can't resist mentioning the Elephant PooPoo paper I saw in my hotel's gift shop yesterday. I had to buy some, I'm so excited! It was kind of pricey, but it's creative reuse at its best. I hope to be back soon...

Sunday, May 2, 2010

May Day resolutions and goal

May Day (May 1st) resolutions are the new New Year resolutions. During the winter I am generally not motivated to do anything except sleep and watch movies, so I've decided to start making May Day resolutions every year. This will help me keep my resolutions during a time of year when I feel more energetic and motivated.

The difference between resolutions and goals according to Gretchen Rubin: "You hit a goal, you keep a resolution...[a goal] It's specific, it's easy to measure success, and once you've done it, you've done it...[a resolution] It's something that you have to resolve to do every day, forever." (The Happiness Project 288)

1. Never leave dishes in the sink overnight. I hate washing dishes, worst chore ever. Now I’m going to have to re-think that…try to love washing dishes. Maybe I’ll keep my ipod near the sink.

2. Walk or go swimming at least 30 minutes a day.

3. Learn Korean. Goal for 2010: Finish the Beginning Korean 1 and 2 textbooks, and really KNOW the material.

4. Nurture my veggie plants.

5. Learn how to swim - real swimming not the doggy paddle or floating - so I can fulfill resolution no. 2.

Beautiful beach in Vieques, Puerto Rico day I will return and and really be able to swim

6. Learn how to cook. Goal for 2010: Make every recipe in my Korean cookbook at least once. This will not be as huge of a project as Julie and Julia because there are only 20-30 recipes in this book.

7. Write in my blog once a week or more.

8. Build Web Design portfolio. Goal for 2010: Create 3 websites including my personal site.

9. Cut down on the amount of stuff I own (most of it books). Freecycle and Paperback Swap fo sho.

10. Organize finances, pay off debt, and save money. Goal for 2010: Save up for a laptop. My current Mac desktop is awesome and still works lovely…however, its four years old which is ancient for technology and affects the software I can use.